00 / 00 Louise Erdrich in conversation with Studs Terkel BROADCAST: Mar. 30, 1987 | DURATION: 00:55:54 Synopsis Discussing the book "The Beet Queen: A Novel" (published by Holt) with the author Louise Erdrich. Details Broadcast Date Mar. 30, 1987 Physical Format 1 sound tape reel (ca. 55 min.) : 10 1/2 in. Duration 55 minutes, 54 seconds Digital Format WAV Ownership The Chicago History Museum Language English Topics Native American History & Culture Literature People Authors, Writers Tags Erdrich, Louise--Interviews Erdrich, Louise. Beet queen. Indians of North America--Fiction Orphans--Fiction.--North Dakota Women novelists, American--20th century--Interviews Women authors, American--20th century--Interviews North Dakota--Fiction WFMT (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.) Audiotapes. Radio programs. Related Programs E. L. Doctorow discusses storytelling and reads from his book "Lives of the Poets" Dec. 19, 1984 Arnold Wesker and Doris Lessing discuss the poor, literature, and theater among other topics in England ; part 1 Sep. 1, 1970 James Baldwin discusses his book "The Evidence of Things Not Seen" Nov. 22, 1985 Robert Coover reads from and discusses his book "John's Wife" Dec. 4, 1996 Discussing the book "The Immigrant World of Ybor City: Italians and their Latin Neighbors in Tampa, 1885-1985" with the Gary Mormino. Jun. 24, 1987 Kay Boyle discusses her book "Being Geniuses Together" 1969