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Author Mona Simpson discusses and reads from her novel “The Lost Father”, a novel that focuses on a woman that becomes obsessed with finding the father she never met. This program includes an excerpt from a previous interview between Studs and Simpson in which Simpson discusses her novel “Anywhere But Here.” Studs plays “Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home” - Susannah McCorkle (1977).
Author Madeleine L’Engle discusses her book “A Wrinkle in Time”, a young adult novel that wrestles with spirituality, science fiction, and fantasy. L’Engle discusses how difficult it was for publishers to see her writing as young-adult, as she was often told adolescence would not be able to handle these challenging topics. This program includes an excerpt of a 1961 interview with Madeleine L’Engle in which she discusses the difference between fact and fiction, or lack thereof, in children’s literature.
Discussing the book "The Crown of Columbus" (published by HarperCollins) with the authors Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris.
Love, lust, romance and heartbreak are all apart of Louise Erdrich's book, "Tales of Burning Love". Erdrich talks about the five woman in her book, who have all married Jack Mauser. The ladies all end up stuck together in a blizzard, and it's there that they all talk to one another about their love and heartache, Jack Mauser.
Discussing the book "The Beet Queen: A Novel" (published by Holt) with the author Louise Erdrich.
Discussing the book "The Bingo Palace" (published by HarperCollins) with the author Louise Erdrich.
Discussing the book "Charms for the Easy Life" (published by Putnam) with the author Kaye Gibbons.
In Jane Leavy’s book, “Squeeze Play,” similar to her main character, Leavy recalled her 1st time in a men’s locker room, covering a New York Knicks game. Luckily for Leavy, a player by the name of Phil Jackson, helped her feel comfortable being with the other players. Leavy explained that at that encounter, it was Jackson, who fed her the story that she needed. The theme of the book throughout is fragility. Some players, Leavy explained, felt more comfortable talking about their infertility issues with Leavy, a woman sportswriter.