Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Studs interviews Ned Rorem about his work and book "An Absolute Gift." Rorem discusses his work and how his Quaker background has influenced his work. He reflects on poets and other composers. Rorem shares the people and events that have influenced him and the arts. The musical recordings are not included in this edited version of the original.
Studs Terkel interviews composer Ned Rorem. They discuss Rorem's childhood, music, poetry, languages, and religion.
Milton Mayer, journalist and educator, talks with Studs about Quakerism. They talk about how religion relates to society in the times of change. Mr Mayer describes an exchange with a gentleman who asked what is a Quaker. The man had been an SS officer who told Mr Mayer his story. The man had been touched by the anonymous generosity of the Quakers many years before. Mr Mayer speaks of A. J. Musty, clergyman and political activist as his mentor and friend, and the things he learned from him.
If her novel's any good, says Janet Stevenson, it's a place where the reader goes inside, living in the skins of both and black and white people, in another era, with their continuous problems. Sarah and Angelina Grimke faced a dilemma that their brother Henry had placed upon the family. If the sisters acknowledged their brother's family, then they would be acknowledging publicly that their brother had become a brut and a sinner by marrying a black woman.
Henry Steele Commager discusses America, American history, and American relations. He also discusses television, historical figures, and wars. (Recorded at the Orrington Hotel in Evanston, Ill.).
Otto Friedrich discusses his "Time" magazine piece, his writing, and American history. Songs "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Free America" by Joseph Warren, a German song, an 18th century Boston Tea Party song, and an 18th-century British soldier song have been removed for copyright restrictions.
Barbara and Betty Underwood, authors of the book “Hostage to Heaven,” discuss Betty’s involvement with Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church.