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Songs, music and lyrics are among the topics of Win Stracke's interview. Stracke believed folk songs had a morality all their own. He also explained that songs have a way of recapturing the feeling(s) of an event that the printed work can not convey.
Discussing the book "Unto this hour" a novel about the American Civil war with the author Tom Wicker.
Historian James McPherson discusses the his book, "Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era." McPerson explores the American Civil War and introduces some Civil War music. He talks about black soldiers, photography, and reconstruction. Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion.
Historian James McPherson discusses the his book, "Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era." McPerson explores the American Civil War and talks about some Civil War music. He also discusses the reasoning behind the Civil War and some of the key figures during that time and how many songs came to be written about the battles and leaders.
Studs Terkel and Irwin Silber, a writer and Civil War historian, talk about music from the Civil War and Silber’s book “Songs of the Civil War.” This is the final part of the interview with Silber. A brief interview with Malayan artist Abdullah Ariff follows the Silber interview. Ariff discuss Malayan culture and the artwork he has on display in the United States.
Studs Terkel and Irwin Silber, a writer and Civil War historian, talk about music from the Civil War and Silber’s book “Songs of the Civil War.” This is the first part of the interview with Silber.
Writer Gore Vidal discusses his novel “1876” and how the political corruption and social atmosphere of the 1870s inspired its plot. Vidal reads several excerpts from the book. The song, “Tilden and Reform,” is played.
Dr. John Hope Franklin, professor of history at University of Chicago, outlines the history of reconstruction during the American Civil War and briefly his experience at the March to Montgomery; part 1.
Dr. John Hope Franklin, professor of history at University of Chicago, discusses the political history of reconstruction after the Civil War, along with which political decisions led to a power imbalance and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the southern states; part 2.