Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Studs talks with versatile actor, singer, performer Danny Kaye who opens up about his worldwide appeal to children and adults alike, relating to children on their terms, his father's influence, the skills and work that go into his crafts, and much more. Kaye reveals his lack of musical training yet details his comic conducting talents ala Victor Borge via his charity work. The conversation continues with talk of his variety show performances, his fondness for Señor Wences, the medium of television, and his knack for dialects.
Known for their songs about the working class, both Florence Reece and Pete Seeger talk about how they come about writing the lyrics to songs. Seeger says unbeknownst to them, anyone can write a song. Included within this interview, Seeger plays the banjo and Reece sings a song.
Meg Christian discusses songwriting and the music industry, especially her work in the feminist movement.
Ethel Merman, American musical theater performer, discusses her experiences as an actor and singer.
In this interview Carol Channing discusses her work as artist: comedic timing; live/club performing; her connection with the audience as a performer; theater as a "spiritual world"; the concept of "opening nights"; creation of Mehitabel's (alley cat) voice; "Lorelei", and her ability deliver comedic characterizations and impersonations (such as Marlene Dietrich, Sophie Tucker, and Cecilia Sisson). Included in this interview are excerpts from the "Little Girl from Little Rock", "Madeline and Other Bemelmans", "Shinbone Alley".