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Journalist and author Sydney J. Harris discusses the essays in his new book "Pieces of Eight." Harris previously wrote for the "Chicago Daily News" and as of the time of this interview, was writing for the "Chicago Sun-Times."
Representatives discuss the Center for Human Understanding (part 2 of 2). Center for Human Understanding conference in Washington D.C. Includes interview with [Raghav Heer]. Interviews [Chaumont Hosie]. Note: lengthy interviews in French (translated).
Discussing the green revolution and the "modern homestead" and interviewing Mildred Loomis. Mildred Loomis discusses the back to the land movement.
Joan Cook discusses her book "In Defense of Homo Sapiens" and talks about research done by other scientists working with Chimps and other primates. She explains her stance that not all humans lean towards violence and that nature, not nurture, and the environment creates aggression and violence. The conversation compares economics and Darwinism for a view of humanistic economics.
Francis S. Chase discusses education, art, and science. Chase also discusses creativity, human behavior, and technology among other topics.
Francis S. Chase discusses education, art, and science. Chase also discusses creativity, human behavior, and technology among other topics. Includes a clip of an interview with Dr. Jay Bernofsky.