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Discussing "Discrimination in metropolitan Chicago" with Curtiss Brooks, employment specialist, Chicago Urban League, Jane Weston, housing specialist, American Friends Service Committee, and Philip Hauser, Sociology Department of University of Chicago. Brooks, Weston and Hauser provide data, reports and statistics to debunk the myths concerning the Black market for housing in Chicago. Weston states that public attitudes have changed and Real Estate must listen and accommodate open occupancy. Another myth that is discussed is that property values will go down if Blacks move in.
Discussing prejudice in communities with Dr. St. Clair Drake and Dr. Paul Mundy. They discuss discrimination, racism, integration, and other similiar topics.
Discussing prejudice in communities with Dr. St. Clair Drake and Dr. Paul Mundy. They discuss stereotypes, racism, and race relations.
The discussion of discrimination in metropolitan Chicago continues with Jan Hestor, Curtiss Brooks and Dr. Philip Hauser talking about bigotry, prejudices, open occupancy and education. Included in this part of the interview is an excerpt of 17 year-old Jimmy talking about how his grandmother would rather work than be on welfare.
Congressman Herman Badillo discusses the prisoner uprising at Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York, and how race played a role in the unwarranted killing of inmates and the subsequent government and administrative cover up of the incident. Badillo reads excerpts from his book, "A Bill of No Rights: Attica and the American Prison System," and discusses prisoner rights, rehabilitation, and the endemic injustice and racism in the American prison system.
Arnold Wesker and Doris Lessing discuss the poor, theater, and literature in England. They also discuss art, life, values, race relations, and what people from other countries have in common . The interview takes place in England.