Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story

Living in Chicago, a city known around the world for its spirited and bold architecture, it's no surprise that Terkel devoted many programs to exploring the art of building and urban design. He spoke with reverence about Chicago figures such as Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel Burnham and Mies van der Rohe, and had many enthusiastic conversations with architects and design visionaries from around the world such as Buckminster Fuller, Pier Luigi Nervi, Charles and Ray Eames, Stanley Tigerman and George Nakashima, plus conversations with writers and activists such as the great champion of architectural preservation Richard Nickel. As a curious listener to non-celebrated people's opinions, Studs also recorded many conversations with city-dwellers talking about the effects of architecture on their lives, such as urban planning activist Florence Scala who fought City Hall to preserve her neighborhood and the famous center of social work, the Hull House of Jane Addams, from the wrecking ball of urban renewal in the 1960s.

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Living in Chicago, a city known around the world for its spirited and bold architecture, it's no surprise that Terkel devoted many programs to exploring the art of building and urban design.