00 / 00 Journalists James Cameron discusses his experiences as a Brittish journalist and his book "Point of Departure" ; part 3 Jun. 4, 1973 Louis Lomax discusses the book "Thailand: The War That Is, The War That Will Be" 1967 Roger Wilkins discusses his book "A Man's Life" Aug. 30, 1982 Art Buchwald reads from and discusses his book "Laid Back in Washington" Feb. 1982 Tony Hiss discusses his book "Laughing Last" Mar. 14, 1977 Studs Terkel discusses contemporary Chicago politics with Dick Simpson and Mike Royko Jul. 22, 1971 Harrison E. Salisbury discusses his book on the 1917 Russian revolution, "Black Night, White Snow" Feb. 2, 1978 Laurie Abraham reads from and discusses her book "Mama Might Be Better Off Dead" Oct. 1, 1993 A cab driver in London and James Cameron discuss housing ; part 1 1970 Studs Terkel continues his interview with Erich Luth in Hamburg discussing the aftermath of the war on Germany's youth ; part 3 1967 Susan Brownmiller discusses her book "Against Our Will" Oct. 23, 1975 Harrison Evans Salisbury discusses his book "A Time of Change" Mar. 18, 1988 ‹‹ of 50 ››