Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story

Terkel comments and presents "A search for innocence" a monologue with Rose a teenager of St. Timothy Episcopal Church, Chicago

BROADCAST: 1970 | DURATION: 00:00:01

Digital audio not yet public.


Studs Terkel discusses life in the Vietnam era with children from Father Charles Pond's St. Timothy Episcopal Church Parish in Chicago. Rose is the featured speaker at 16 years of age she is no longer in school but is very well spoken. Acknowledging that people with mental illnesses are not always able to make sound decisions which are needed for individuals to make group decisions. She sees one of the problems in the world being that people are losing their individuality to a group mentality. Although she is not very religious in terms of bible verses she states that even though it is confusing, God's plan is the solution. Also in order to get respect even from parents you must give it. People need the support of others to give them confidence but it is up to you to follow through. Songs of the 1960's such as "Eve of Destruction", "Universal Soldier" (which was played) and "Little Boxes" were seen by Rose as inspiring. Rose shares her interest in writing and recites one of her poems where she asks her mother to help her see not tell her what is best for her. Terkel will hold other discussions with children of this parish.