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Susan Nussbaum and Michael Pachovas discuss the Disabled Americans Freedom Rally with Studs Terkel

BROADCAST: Feb. 28, 1981 | DURATION: 00:51:35


Susan Nussbaum, founder of Access Living and Michael Pachovas founder of Disabled Prisoners Program discuss the upcoming Disabled Americans Freedom Rally in the backdrop of the International Year of the Disabled Persons and President Reagan's budget cuts. Society needs to understand that expenditures are required to secure the rights of disabled people to live active, productive lives. They need to be able to get out of their apartment buildings or homes, travel on sidewalks and ride buses. That may require access ramps, working elevators, cut curbs, and hydraulic buses to lower steps. Disabled people have seen advances in technology, extending their lives but services have not kept up with this need. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which guarantees that there can be no discrimination if you receive Federal funds is in danger of being cut by Reagan budget cuts. This could jeopardize equal education, receiving social services in a quality fashion, non-discrimination in employment and affirmative action legislation. The rally is a cause for celebration but also a time to rally disabled citizens to call their legislatures and secure their needed programs. Disabled people pay taxes and should have access to voting booths.