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Studs Terkel discusses religion with Msgr. John Egan, Dr. Howard Schomer and Rabbi Arnold Wolf ; part 1

BROADCAST: Feb. 12, 1965 | DURATION: 00:53:28


Studs discusses religion in contemporary society with Catholic Msgr. John Egan, Dr. Howard Schomer of the United Church of Christ, and Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf of Congregation Solel of Highland Park, Illinois. Egan (1916-2001), Schomer (1915-2001), and Wolf (1924-2008) discuss the prominent religious groups of the day, areas of tension and cooperation in public affairs, birth control, and the relationships between religion, race, poverty, and the press in America. Their discussion begins with a recording of Studs interviewing an inner-city teenager named Tony about his image of "God"; this snippet of conversation informs much of their discussion.