Mike Forrest, Beulah Garrick, and Donald Moffat discuss and read the writings of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Forrest, Garrick, and Moffat are all cast members of "The Hostage," a play by Brendan Behan. The following Dylan Thomas works are read during the interview:
00:00:00-00:03:58 "Fern Hill"
00:05:15-00:07:25 "The Schoolteacher"
00:10:42-00:23:46 "A Holiday Memory"
00:29:33-00:32:38 "A Poem On His Birthday"
00:37:00-00:39:07 "The Peaches"
00:40:43-00:51:42 "Under Milk Wood"
00:52:35-end "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"
Clips from several songs are played during the interview, including:
00:23:47-00:25:45 "Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn"
00:32:39-00:36:01 "Myfanwy"
00:39:08-00:40:37 "Y Sipsi"