00 / 00 © Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images Joyce Grenfell discusses her career BROADCAST: 1962 | DURATION: 00:43:36 Synopsis Joyce Grenfell discusses her career (and includes portion of interview with Clancy Sigal, which starts around 39:08). Details Broadcast Date 1962 Physical Format 1 sound tape reel (ca. 60 min.) : 5 in. Duration 43 minutes, 36 seconds Digital Format WAV Ownership The Chicago History Museum Language English Topics Travel & Culture - United Kingdom Theater Television Tags Grenfell, Joyce England Audiotapes. Radio programs. WFMT (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.) Career Female performers British performers British actress British singer British comedian British monologist Sigal, Clancy. Draper, Ruth, 1884-1956. Acting--accents British accents American accents Writing--comedy Comedy Satire Phipps, Paul Phipps, Nora Langhorne Potter, Stephen British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Amsel, Richard Three Brothers Broadcasting. Theatre Theater Farjeon, Herbert, 1887-1945 Ed Sullivan Show Acting Thorndike, Dame Agnes Sybil Related Programs Discussing the book "The Secret Defector"with the author, novelist and journalist Clancy Sigal Jan. 17, 1993 Interviewing the cast of "Kabuki Faust," and its creator Shozo Sato Mar. 13, 1986 Musical performance of Giuseppe Sabbatini Sep. 10, 1993 Interviewing Jean Louis Barrault while Studs was in Paris, France ; part 1 Nov. 1, 1962 Frances Cuka discusses the play "A Taste of Honey" and her career ; part 1 Mar. 8, 1962 Interview with Frank Crawshaw Sep. 17, 1970