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Skip Kennon wrote the music for "Herringbone", a one-man musical where all ten parts are played by the actor David Rounds. Madness, depression and schizophrenia are discussed as possible themes of the play.
Jim Jennings, Jake Dowling and Jim Hastings, members of The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) talk about unions. Union folk songs by Pete Seeger and Joe Glazer are played periodically.
Thinking a person is special and trusting that person and committing yourself to that person are two steps for real love, as covered in Dr. Willard Gaylin's book, "Rediscovering Love". One can not go through life in an armored car but rather Gaylin talks about taking risks. One of Gaylin's last points, if you find yourself in a loveless life, to compensate, give love away.
Dr. Thomas Szasz discusses his book "The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement" and the ways that mental illness has been used to control and maintain the status quo, scapegoat certain kinds of people, and label people as "other." Szasz asserts his belief that mental illness and mental health cannot be defined, that depression and schizophrenia are not diseases, and the distinction between individuals seeking mental health treatment and those who are institutionalized against their will.
Alfred Alvarez, poet and author, talks about his new book, "The Savage God," and how depression and suicide affects people. He talks about his past experience with his friend Sylvia Plath and the end of her life. The two men also discuss the history of suicide including the Greeks, Judas, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Alvarez also talks about famous artists who have committed suicide and why the 20th century may have caused so many suicides. Alvarez reads the opening passage and epilogue of his book.
Discussing American musical films with cinema historian Albert Johnson.