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Nora Sayre discusses her book "Running time: Films of the Cold War" and how Russian-American relations affected Hollywood and celebrity blacklists.
Author and historian Jeff Kisseloff discusses his book “The Box: An Oral History of Television, 1920-1961” and the major changes seen in the television industry. This program includes an excerpt of an interview with Charlie Andrews in which he discusses how the television industry is moving away from spontaneity. Studs plays "The Cuckoo" - Kukla, Fran and Ollie and "Wanderin'" - Win Stracke (1957).
Studs interview with Hildegard Knef, actress and writer. They discuss her life in Nazi Germany during the war and her experience as an actress when she came to America. Studs and Hildegard read together from her book, "The Gift Horse." Knef describes her family, Nazi Germany, survival, and her experience as a German in American post WWII. Her husband, David Anthony Palastanga, also reads an excerpt from her book.
In his book, "Additional Dialogue: Letters of Dalton Trumbo, 1942-1962," Dalton Trumbo gives his audience a better understanding of why he was believed to have been warty, abrasive and stubborn. Trumbo believed people have the right to silence and they have the right to speak. He was angered when a book review was written about one book but another author's book was ignored. Trumbo spent time in prison where he was not allowed to write anything negative about the living conditions.