Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Political comedian and reporter Sammy Drechsel and actor Jurgen Scheller discuss Germany and their work. The exchange is aided by interpreter Margot Steeger. Part 2 of 2.
Political comedian and reporter Sammy Drechsel and actor Jurgen Scheller discuss Germany and their work. The exchange is aided by interpreter Margot Steeger. Jurgen Scheller joins the conversation towards the end of this recording. Part 1 of 2.
Socialist Party leader and Presbyterian minister Norman Thomas discusses social progress, his political views, and where society is headed with Studs Terkel. This is the final part of his interview.
Laura Fermi discusses Benito Mussolini. Includes Studs Terkel reading an excerpt from Laura Fermi's book "Mussolini" at the beginning [removed due to copyright]. Includes instrumental music [removed due to copyright].
Psychiatrist Dr. Garrett O'Connor discusses his article "Reflections in the rubble: some thoughts in the aftermath of civil disorder." Topics of conversation include his experiences working in community clinics with blue collar workers and African Americans; the ways that poverty, racism, and classism are maintained by the American economy; the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nuclear physicist, Dr. Leo Seren, discusses atomic fission and nuclear experiments.
Dr. Jacob Bronowski, a mathematician and philosopher, discusses how the study of science has changed since the onset of government regulation or the military industrial complex. He also talks about humanity and explains how humans are the best species and therefore should come together to continue progress instead of killing each other. Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language.
Dr. Erich Fromm explains how he believes the Cold War was a moment of change for humanity where it would either bring about a "renaissance of humanism or immense bloodshed and barbarism for decades to come." Using his study into humanism, Dr. Fromm warns about how the love of death can overtake the love of life as nationalism and group narcissism takes hold in different countries. He goes on to explain that humanity has to decide that they have a right to demand independence and freedom.
Discussing the books "Burnt water" and "Distant relations" with the author Carlos Fuentes.
Pulitzer Prize winning writer and historian Barbara Tuchman discusses her book “A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century” and its historical background. Both Barbara Tuchman and Studs Terkel reads excerpts from the book. A musical piece called “Courtley Love” is played at the beginning of the show.