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Humorist and commentator Mort Sahl talks with Studs Terkel on the roof of Sahl’s Chicago hotel. The two briefly discuss Lenny Bruce’s legacy, but Sahl is quick to discuss a topic he brings up frequently in this interview: American’s criticism of “paranoia” and the U.S. government’s power to persuade. Sahl criticizes his young audiences for being uneducated and discuss the United State’s involvement in the Vietnam War. He also speaks briefly on liberals in Chicago, calling them weak for supporting Daley.
Mort Sahl discusses comedy, social satire, and politics. Sahl discusses the topics of Communism, Fascism, the Kennedy assassination, and show business.
Discussing the book "Downsize This!" (published by Crown) with the author, filmmaker and social critic Michael Moore.
According to Hugh Romney and Bonnie Jean Romney (AKA Mr. and Mrs. Wavy Gravy) of Hog Farm, and Sam Zambito of Drop City, communes are like living with expanded families. Bonnie Jean said that people looking for alternative lifestyles seek a more meaningful truth. To earn money, the people pick apples or sell beads. They also work in construction or deconstruction.*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations