Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Studs Terkel and American lawyer Mark Lane dive into Lane’s best-selling book, “Rush to Judgement,” which is a critique of the Warren Commission’s methods and findings, based on Lane’s own investigations and research. He discusses his struggle to publish the book, after several cancelled contracts with publishers, and critical reviews the book received, which he believes are weakly based. This interview includes interviews with three witnesses of JFK’s assassination, collected by Lane during his investigations.
Includes Lawrence Ferlinghetti reading and discussing his poems from his books "A Coney Island State of Mind" and "Big Table."
While in Munich, Studs speaks with Berthold Spangenberg about postwar cultural reconstruction of Germany through the lens of Spangenberg's mid-sized publishing house. Spangenberg notes international influences and regional variances among German cities and the significance of a divided Berlin. Terkel ends with musings on his travels in Germany.