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Reverend W. Alvin Pitcher and Dr. Richard Wade discuss how violence and civil disobedience intertwine with civil rights, economic differences, and the importance of education.
Former public school teacher Patrick Zimmerman continues discussing his alternative teaching methods for childhood education in low-income and underrepresented communities in Chicago. Zimmerman discusses how the scientific emphasis of schooling today is stifling a child’s success in the classroom and calls instead for a balance between a scientific approach and a free-school approach.
Former public school teacher Patrick Zimmerman discusses education and the free school movement for low-income and underrepresented communities in Chicago. Zimmerman discusses his time spent as a public school teacher and how this inspired his transition to teaching using alternative schooling methods in childhood education.
Discussing the book, "Free schools," and interviewing the author Jonathan Kozol. Jonathon Kozol also discusses education. Includes interview clip of Kermit Eby.
Jonathan Kozol, the author of "Death at an Early Age" talks about issues of educational inequality and racial justice. Paul Zimmerman, former public teacher, talks about his experience creating what becomes to be the Southern School at Uptown, Chicago.