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Discussing public welfare and interviewing Frederick Wiseman, director of the documentary film, "Welfare."
Discussing the making of film documentaries with Fred Wiseman, especially his film, "Juvenile Court." Includes excerpts of the sound track from a juvenile detention center in Memphis, Tennessee.
Bob Sandidge and Kathy Smith discuss a documentary film directed by Sandidge about a mock ward experiment at the Illinois State Hospital in Elgin, Illinois. The documentary investigates the experiences of hospital staff who participated in an experiment in which some of them were hospital staff and others were patients. Topics of discussion in the interview include the ways that institutionalization shapes behavior and how the experiences influence the way participants believe patients should be treated.
Academy Award winning documentarian Barbara Kopple talks with Studs about her documentary "American Dream" and the battle fought and lost by union workers in Austin, Minnesota during the mid-80s. They set the backdrop in the small, tight-knit community that Hormel Foods had such a profound impact on, how the UFCW international union declined to support the local union, the gripping dynamics between family members who crossed picket lines, and the healing that occurred when the film was screened in the town several years later.