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Jones discusses the play "Othello" where he plays the lead character Othello.
Author, journalist, and historian Garry Wills discusses his book “Witches and Jesuits.” Wills’ book, and this discussion, focuses on recontextualizing Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” in the original setting of 17th century England, informing readers and listeners of how the play would have been received during that time and what exactly makes it a dark tale. Studs plays an English traditional song “Soul Cake” and a clip of a stage performance of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" by Margaret Leighton.
Writer Erica Jong discusses feminism, her book “Fanny, Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones,” and its influences with Studs Terkel. Both Jong and Terkel read excerpts from Jong’s book.