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Win Stracke, Bill Adelman, and Bill Neebe discusses the Haymarket Riot and the following trials and hangings which changed the labor movement around the world. The group discusses the American labor movement and police brutality that led to the protest and the eventual accusal of eight men. They also explore the roles George Pullman, Marshall Field, and the police force played and how they used the protest to weed out union leaders they did not like. The group briefly discusses the future of the labor movement.
Jim Jennings, Jake Dowling and Jim Hastings, members of The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) talk about unions. Union folk songs by Pete Seeger and Joe Glazer are played periodically.
Colonel Hamilton Fish III discusses American history. Major topics include The Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt, World War II, and Communism. Fish also reads a personal letter sent to him from Martin Dies, Jr. Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion.