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Architectural historian Robert Twombly discusses the biography “Louis Sullivan: His Life and Work.” Referred to by Studs as the architect that most symbolizes Chicago architecture, Louis Sullivan, this program outlines Sullivan’s life as a prominent architect who was one of the first to incorporate nature, or "the organic", into architecture, and who ended his life in poverty. This program includes a clip from 1956 of Frank Lloyd Wright speaking to his contemporaries, indignant, asking what took them so long to recognize Louis Sullivan and his genius in the architectural field?
Architect John Vinci, art and architectural historian David Van Zanten, and curator Wim de Wit discuss Louis Sullivan and the Chicago Historical Society’s exhibition “Louis Sullivan: The Function of Ornament.” The group discusses Sullivan’s use of ornament to add an organic element to his architecture; as well as some of Sullivan’s most prominent work including the Chicago Stock Exchange Building, the Auditorium Building, and the Sullivan Center. This program includes a clip from 1956 of Frank Lloyd Wright discussing Sullivan and his impact on architectural design.