Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Ms. Russell was a social worker with the YWCA in China from 1917-1943, and the executive director of the Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy from 1946-1952. Ms Russell speaks of her time and work in China, about U.S./China relations and the cultural revolution taking place in China. Includes excerpt of Joshua Horn talking about a worker who got burned while working at a steel factory in China. He speaks of the outpouring help for the man from the community of Shanghi.(1934055-3-1)
Henry Steele Commager discusses America, American history, and American relations. He also discusses television, historical figures, and wars. (Recorded at the Orrington Hotel in Evanston, Ill.).
His experiences as a journalist are what's covered in Harrison Evans Salisbury's book, "A Time of Change: A Reporter's Tale of Our Time". Salisbury believed as a reporter, one truly needed to be at the event, in order to obtain the true story. Once Salisbury questioned if he was living in America because he was asked to switch rooms at a hotel in Birmingham, only to find out later that there were special, bugged rooms for reporters.
Discussing the book "China" with the author William Hinton.
When looking at the set design, David Hockney, doesn’t want the viewer to see a tree but to see “tree-ness”. A true fan of music, but Hockney reveals that he is unable to paint if there’s music playing in the background. Hockney said it’s important to stay for more than opening night of “Turandot”. To see the opera on different nights, from different seats in the audience, allows him to make his current work and/or future work better. Program also includes an excerpt of an interview with British poet Stephen Spender 4:56 to 5:51.
Charles and Sylvia Fischer and Robert Weissbourd discuss their time spent living and working in China.