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In his book, "Home From the War: Learning from Vietnam Veterans", Robert Jay Lifton reflects on what he's learned from talking with soldiers who came home from the Vietnam War. For some men, guilt and betrayal were common issues -- guilt in what they had done while in Vietnam and betrayal of what their superiors and the government had told them about the war itself.
Kenneth Donaldson discusses his book, "Insanity Inside Out" and his experience after being involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. Topics of discussion include the conditions of the hospital, his experience being held there against his will, and the court case he won in front of the Supreme Court of the United States, O'Connor v. Donaldson.
Psychiatrist Dr. Garrett O'Connor discusses his article "Reflections in the rubble: some thoughts in the aftermath of civil disorder." Topics of conversation include his experiences working in community clinics with blue collar workers and African Americans; the ways that poverty, racism, and classism are maintained by the American economy; the Martin Luther King, Jr.