Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Studs interview with Danny Newman, Public Relations Council for the Lyric Opera Company. Newman shares his theatrical opera introductions and discusses a variety of performers and operas for the Lyric Opera Company season.
Studs interviews Alan Stone, Steven Larson, and Judith Erickson about the opera, "Regina," playing at the Chicago Opera Theater. They describe the variety of music and dances in the opera. Stone, Larson, and Erickson name the cast and their roles and describe the characters. Each share how they came to be in theater. Stone explains how the company started. Larson describes the orchestra and the chorus. Erickson reads some of the lyrics of the aria, "The Best Thing of All," at the end of act one. Stone, Larson, and Erickson read various lines from the opera.