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Dr. Oliver W. Sacks talks about the treatment of deaf people throughout history and the development of ASL as written in his book "Seeing Voices".
Discussing the book "Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf" (published by University of California Press) with the author, neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks. Includes passage from the book.
Dr. Oliver W. Sacks discusses people and concepts presented in his book "Seeing Voices"; the interview is for the paperback release.
Noam Chomsky discusses his book "American Power and the New Mandarins," the Vietnam war, and the role of intellectuals, including interview with A.J. Muste; audio is slowed down from 47:30 - 52:52.
Theoretical physicist and author Jeremy Bernstein discusses his latest work. The book focuses on the inventors and innovations that came out of Bell Laboratories, also known as Bell Telephone Laboratories, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and recently Nokia Bell Labs.
Edward W. Said talks about the importance of language in shifting perceptions of Middle Eastern people, refutes some opinions about Palestine, identities, and overlapping Eastern and Western cultures.
Author Douglas Dowd discusses topics from his book "Blues For America: A Critique, A Lament, and Some Memories," including war, religion, and American history.