Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Discussing the book, "Eighty Years at Hull House," and interviewing the co-author, Mary Lynn McCree Bryan. Mary Lynn McCree Bryan discusses the Hull House and its founders in Chicago, Illinois. Includes two clips of Florence Scala speaking: one about nature and about a tree that was taken down at Hull House and one about Jane Addams. Includes a clip of Jessie Binford discussing Jane Addams.
Allen Davis talks with Studs about his recently published biography "American Heroine: The Life and Legend of Jane Addams" A Nobel Peace Prize winner, Jane Addams was one of the founders of Hull House, a social reformer, a suffragist and pacifist. Allen Davis discusses her life. Interview begins with an excerpt of Jessie Binford talking about Jane Addams and Hull House Chicago (1863362-3-1).