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Now being a professional playwright, William Gibson talked about being able to write one of his plays in 8 days. A lot of the discussion is about his play, "The Miracle Worker". After reading one of Annie Sullivan's letters, and learning about a battle royale that Sullivan had with Helen Keller, Gibson envisioned what that battle royale would look like. It became a now famous part of the play.
Discussing the book "Seeing Voices: A Journey Into the World of the Deaf" (published by University of California Press) with the author, neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks. Includes passage from the book.
Lilli Palmer, actress and writer, discusses her life and her book, "The Red Raven." She talks about growing up in Germany, some of her film and play work, and her personal life.
Dr. Eugene Mindel, child psychologist and author, discusses his book, "They Grow in Silence: The Deaf Child and His Family,". Dr. Mindel and Studs talk about deaf children and how they learn to communicate without the ability to hear or speak. Studs reads an excerpt from the book about a deaf person feeling locked into themselves. Studs and Dr. Mindel talk about the the book "In this sign" by Joanne Greenberg a novel that portrays the isolation and loneliness of the deaf couple and the struggle of their hearing daughter.
Ronald Steel goes in-depth about his biography of journalist Walter Lippman.