Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Terkel presents songs that discuss the subject of domestic violence against women. Songs range from ballads in musicals, to jazz torch songs, to popular music at the time.
The originator of the Roots ‘N’ Blues series and Grammy winner and nominee Lawrence Cohn discusses his latest work which focuses on the life and times of blues and the musicians that helped the genre become what it is today.
Theater director Larry Arrick and actors Tom Earhart and James Patterson discuss the one-act play Zoo Story written by Tony award-winning playwright Edward Albee.
Interviewing novelist and fighter for civil rights for all, James Baldwin and discussion on the book "Nobody Knows My Name more notes of a native son". They discuss the book and Mr. Baldwin's political beliefs and his work towards change in the civil rights movement.