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Stokely Carmichael, Charlie Cobb, and Courtland Cox discuss civil rights and African Americans in politics. Discussing the philosophy of SNCC.
Discussing the book "the Black Messiah" with the author Reverend Albert B. Cleage, Jr. He discusses the African American church and theology. He also discusses broader topics such as civil rights and African American history. Includes a clip of an interview with a woman named Mrs. Alexander at the beginning. Includes a clip of the song "Beulah Land" sung by the Georgia Sea Island Singers.
Konstantinos Doxiades discusses architecture, the population of cities, the modernization of cities, city planning, machines, and the city of the future.
Discussing the work of Thresholds, a Chicago social service organization, and interviewing Jerry Dincin and Michael Sternberg. They discuss what Thresholds provides and how it helps people with their confidence and mental health. Includes a song called "Young Paul".
Discussing the "Chicago Schools Challenge " and interviewing James Clement, Mrs. Barry Norton, and Pearl Shaw.
Interviewing booksellers Handasyde Buchanan and Miss Dillon while Studs was in England. They discuss life in London, England and Scotland, their bookshops, and book selling.
The D. J.'s, a group of teenagers, discuss their lives, interests, and ambitions. Gladys Joyce Adams and Yvonne Hammond discuss the female youth and youth groups in Chicago. Joyce and Hammond discuss the girl's club the Divine Ladies and other girl's clubs. Christy and Frank Carney in "West Side" (part 3).
Fred Christy and Frank Carney discuss life, family, youth, and demographics in Chicago. Includes Studs Terkel interviewing a group of teenagers who call themselves the D.J.'s. about their life and ambitions.
Discussing the topic of women and freedom with Marlene Dixon, Nancy Stokely, and Janet Tenney. They discuss feminism, women's rights, and the women's liberation movement. Includes a Elizabeth Knight/Julia Ward Howe song called "Hallelujah".
Connie Kolb and Ursula Bender discuss life in Germany, specifically Berlin. Connie Kolb discusses her life struggles, lack of confidence, and her work in journalism.
Discussing "Jesse Jackson, the Man, the Movement, the Myth" and interviewing the author Barbara Reynolds.
Arnold Wesker and Doris Lessing discuss the poor, theater, and literature in England. They also discuss art, life, values, race relations, and what people from other countries have in common . The interview takes place in England.