00 / 00 Discussing national healthcare with physicians Victor Sidel, Arden Miller and Dan Beauchamp. BROADCAST: Oct. 25, 1989 | DURATION: 00:56:27 Details Broadcast Date Oct. 25, 1989 Physical Format 1 sound tape reel (ca. 55 min.) : 10 1/2 in. Duration 56 minutes, 27 seconds Digital Format WAV Ownership The Chicago History Museum Language English Topics Healthcare, Medicine, Mental Health People Medical personnel Tags WFMT (Radio station : Chicago, Ill.) Sidel, Victor W.--Interviews Miller, C. Arden--Interviews Beauchamp, Dan E.--Interviews Physicians--United States--20th century--Interviews Medical care--United States Public health--United States Audiotapes. Radio programs. Related Programs William Hoffman, Jr. reads from and discusses his book "The Loser" ; part 2 1968 Gitta Sereny discusses her book "Into That Darkness" Feb. 7, 1983 Martha Weinman Lear discusses her book "Heart Sounds" Apr. 8, 1980 Dr. Joseph Burkhalter and Dr. Charles Price talk with Studs about Pharmaceutical Chemistry ; part 1 1964 Discussing the antinuclear movement with Dr. Carl Johnson, Abbie Hoffman; and the author of "Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation" Harvey Wasserman Nov. 18, 1983 Allan Y. Cohen discusses his book "Understanding Drug Use" Jan. 29, 1971