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Chilean folk songs have been removed due to copyright restrictions: "If We Are Americans;" a flute song for the harvest celebration; the song "Jacinto Cenobio;" song ["Winos Poinas"]; a Mexican flute song; the song "La Fiesta De San Benito;" the song "La Pulque;" and the song "El Condor Pasa." but are discussed within the program.
Luis Valdez, author of the play, "Zoot Suit," and editor of "Aztlan: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature," discusses the Chicano experience; music by Mexican-American artists is played and discussed throughout the program.
Lino Chavez and his Mexican Folk Ensemble discuss, through a translator, Mexican culture and music and perform their song "El Jarabe" at 2:50, "El Tilingo" at 13:50, "Maria Chuchena" at 23:05, "El Cascabel" at 29:31, "La Bamba" at 38:39, and "El Ahualulco" at 47:55. These songs have been removed from this recording.
Art critic Linda Winer discusses her Chicago Tribune series on Cuba social culture and political conditions, especially in regards to dance companies. Studs plays a live version of "Guantanamera" - Pete Seeger (1963), "Canto Para Elegua" - Grupo Folklorico de Cuba, and “Canto a Wamba” - El Conjunto Experimental Santero.
In "Goodbye Land," Jose Yglesias travels to Galicia, Spain, his father's native province. Yglesias found a number of cousins who remembered his father. Time was spent in a tavern owned by one of his cousins, talking about what they recalled about Yglesias' father. His cousins viewed Yglesias' travels to Spain as an event; a millionaire traveling to Spain and they showered him with an abundance of gifts.
Studs has a spirited discussion with Jonathan Kozol who shares his adventures and learnings in Cuba that formed the basis of his book "Children of the Revolution: A Yankee Teacher in the Cuban Schools." Kozol explains the ambitious Cuban Literacy Campaign begun in the 1960s that aimed to educate the entire population, tells of children teaching adults in remote villages by lantern light, and the unity and national pride that resulted. He and Studs explore the idea of generative words in literacy education and contemplate Kozol's hope to adapt a similar approach to American education.
Discussing the book "The Nirvana blues" with the author John Nichols.
Interviewing members of a humanitarian aid caravan to Cuba; Gisela Lopez, Lisa Brocke and Dr. Peter Orris.
Discussing "El Bario in Chicago" and interviewing members of LADO (the Latin American Defense Organization).