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Using the backdrop of James Baldwin's "Nobody Knows My Name" and Baldwin's feelings that Blacks were ashamed of where they came from, Terkel interviews Professor and Chairman of the Political Science Department of Roosevelt University on his book coauthored with Stokely Carmichael entitled" Black Power: Politics of Liberation in America". Hamilton states that Blacks were taught to hate themselves and leave school believing that. Institutional racism and the deliberate oppression it creates, holds blacks back. Blacks are left out of crucial decision making processes that concern them.
Using the backdrop of James Baldwin's "Nobody Knows My Name" and Baldwin's feelings that Blacks were ashamed of where they came from, Terkel interviews Professor and Chairman of the Political Science Department of Roosevelt University on his book coauthored with Stokely Carmichael entitled" Black Power: Politics of Liberation in America". Hamilton states that Blacks were taught to hate themselves and leave school believing that. Institutional racism and the deliberate oppression it creates, holds blacks back. Blacks are left out of crucial decision making processes that concern them.
Reverend Theo Kotze and Helen Kotze discuss race relations, religion, and their lives in South Africa. Includes an interview with Albert Luthuli. Includes a 35 second testing tone.
Interviewing Raymond Bonner, foreign correspondent and author of “At the Hand of Man.” He discusses wildlife conservation, the poaching trade, and animal rights. Includes a 30 second test tone. Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion.
Discussing the book "Mosquito coast" with the author novelist Paul Theroux.
South African writer and political activist Nadine Gordimer joins Studs Terkel to talk about her book “A Guest of Honor,” a novel that explores African politics in a post-colonialism era. As an introduction to their conversation, Terkel plays a clip of an interview with Conor Cruise O’Brien, where an interaction with former Ghanaian president Kwame Nkrumah is discussed.
Dr. Joseph Collins co-authored the book, "Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity". Among the topics in the book include world hunger, famine, food policies and politics. Collins asks the readers to think about being ok with eating food grown in another country when the workers of that country are so poor, they themselves are starving for food.