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Northeastern Illinois University professor June Sochen discusses her book "Movers and shakers;: American women thinkers and activists, 1900-1970". Sochen and Studs cover a wide range of female activists and radicals who fundamentally reshaped American society via their efforts in the labor movement and union organizing, the arts and culture, and research.
Geraldine Page is Zelda Fitzgerald in the play, "Clothes for a Summer Hotel". When first reading the play, Page didn't like Zelda because she believed Zelda was a privileged, rich, spoiled brat. Although she said Zelda had her flaws, Page learned that Zelda had the gift of writing.
Discussing the topic of women and freedom with Marlene Dixon, Nancy Stokely, and Janet Tenney. They discuss feminism, women's rights, and the women's liberation movement. Includes a Elizabeth Knight/Julia Ward Howe song called "Hallelujah".
Alabama lawyer Clifford Durr and his wife, civil rights activist Virginia Durr, discuss the Civil Rights Movement, part 3. The Durrs talk about McCarthyism, The New Deal, and the ostracization they experienced as a result of their support of civil rights in the South.
Brick Top discusses her career, her colleagues, and the jazz scene.