Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Socialist Party leader and Presbyterian minister Norman Thomas discusses social progress, his political views, and where society is headed with Studs Terkel. This is the final part of his interview.
Nikolay Akimov, Theodore Komisarjevsky and Pavel Markov discuss the Soviet theater. The ending music on this record was edited out
Michael Rosenberg Meeropol discusses his book, ""We Are Your Sons: The Legacy of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg," and talks about his life growing up in the shadow of the execution of his parents. He recalls his memories leading up to their arrest and trial and the legal battle for him and his brother, Robert, to be adopted. He also talks about growing up ashamed of his last name, but eventually coming to terms with his identity and starting the fight for his parents' exoneration.
John Kenneth Galbraith, economist and diplomat, discusses his book, "The Age of Uncertainty," which was being made into a PBS documentary. Galbraith talks about some of the most well-known economists and explains their writings. He explains how many of their ideas have long lasting effects on capitalism the US has today.
Joel Sachs discusses Russian avant-garde music and Soviet Union artists.
Daniel Ellsberg, political activist and former military analyst, discuses his release of the Pentagon Papers and his thoughts on how the Vietnam War played out. He also discusses what he believes the next war could look like and how America, and the world, would be affected by nuclear war.
Blanche Wiesen Cook, historian, professor, and author discusses her book, "The Declassified Eisenhower," and explains Eisenhower's peace and war beliefs. She describes his beliefs at the end of World War II and his relationships with fellow generals and leaders.