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Discussing Sierra Leone, the Peace Corps, and interviewing the Collier Family, Dr. Kawalak, and Augustine Stevens. They also discuss the languages, culture, religion, and history of Sierra Leone. Includes clips of African music (from Sierra Leone).
Discussing the differences between the older generation and the newer generation with three young people. All three students agreed that communication and the lack of communication was an issue among the gaps.*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations
Charles M. Schultz gave high praise to Robert L. Short's book, "Parables of Peanuts". Long explained Schulz's comic strips and his thoughts of cruelty among children. Short further explained that Schulz's comic strips turns the readers back to themselves and gives the readers the opportunities to see their own lives as they really are.
Riane Eisler, anthropologist and historian, discusses the history of gender roles, religious influences, and cultural mythology.
Peter Carey discusses and reads from his book "Oscar and Lucinda." The book is a love story that follows two characters, both gamblers, who make a bet to deliver a glass church to a new settlement. Carey begins the interview by recounting a particular event in his hometown that inspired the writing of this book: Carey witnessing a local church being removed from its location. A fascination with land occupation, church construction, and the human tendency towards obsession were driving factors in the writing of this book.
Socialist Party leader and Presbyterian minister Norman Thomas discusses social progress, his political views, and where society is headed with Studs Terkel. This is the final part of his interview.
Nicholas Von Hoffman talks about his book "Left at the Post: Passions, Prejudices, and Laments of One of America's Most Generously Biased Writers". Additional topics include biased journalism, objectivism in news reporting, and politics.
Jonathan Spence, author and Yale University history professor, talks about his book "God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan." He discusses Hong Xiuquan who believed himself to be the son of God. Spence begins his interview explores how Christianity came to China and how Hong came into contact with its teachings. He explains Hong's belief that the Qing dynasty was an enemy government that needed to be overthrown which led to the Taiping Rebellion.
Interviewing booksellers Handasyde Buchanan and Miss Dillon while Studs was in England. They discuss life in London, England and Scotland, their bookshops, and book selling.
H.E.F Donahue discusses his book "The Higher Animals". Donahue goes into depth about the characters in his book and touches on the subjects of evolution, history, literature, and his life. H.E.F. Donahue quotes Charles Darwin.
Fela Sowande discusses his career, different types of Nigerian and African music, the Yoruba people, and religion. Includes clips of an African Yoruba pagan hymn "Oyigiyigi," a Christian version of that hymn, and an organ version of that hymn. Includes Sowande's song "Roll de Ol' Chariot." Quotes a poem by [Anthony Gregascoigne], an English poet he met in England.
Fela Sowande discusses his career, Nigerian music, and compares African culture and Western culture. Includes clips of musical performances by Highlife musicians and orchestra. Music: A clip of high-life music, "Folk Symphony for Full Orchestra."
South African Catholic priest Father Basil van Rensburg and Peter Walshe discuss their fights against apartheid. Rensburg pursued his fight through a hunger strike, and Walshe discusses the government's stance on apartheid and religion.
Writer Erica Jong discusses feminism, her book “Fanny, Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones,” and its influences with Studs Terkel. Both Jong and Terkel read excerpts from Jong’s book.
Edwin T. Buehrer, a Unitarian minister, discusses Unitarianism, his book "Changing Climate of Religion", and human problems. They also discuss humanity, religion, life on other planets, science, and the universe. Includes a clip of Arthur C. Clarke speaking about the universe and life on other planets. Includes a clip of a boy talking about who he thinks God is. Includes a clip of a boy talking about the fall of Rome.