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Self-proclaimed Love Goddess, Judy Tenuta, was also known as the Aphrodite of the Accordion, to her fans. Tenuta talks about how she saw Elvis in her Cheese Whiz and he told her to start her own religion, which is known as Judyism. Calling herself the Love Goddess came to be after her brothers literally kissed her hands and feet when she asked them to. This is a very short conversation that ends abruptly.
Running at Cafe Voltaire in Chicago, the show is produced by actor-directors Michael Barto and Peter Cieply.
Susan Nussbaum, founder of Access Living and Michael Pachovas founder of Disabled Prisoners Program discuss the upcoming Disabled Americans Freedom Rally in the backdrop of the International Year of the Disabled Persons and President Reagan's budget cuts. Society needs to understand that expenditures are required to secure the rights of disabled people to live active, productive lives. They need to be able to get out of their apartment buildings or homes, travel on sidewalks and ride buses. That may require access ramps, working elevators, cut curbs, and hydraulic buses to lower steps.
Four cast members from a production of the play "The Greatest Story Never Told; A Tale of the Greatest Life Ever Lived."