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Mort Sahl the comedian discusses comedy, social satire, and humorists. He discusses the difference between sick humor and social commentary. He discusses politics in America. Includes a speech by humorist Will Rogers towards the end of the program.
Melvin Douglas and Frank Lovejoy discuss their roles in Gore Vidal's play "The Best Man", politics, and their careers.
Canadian poet and novelist Margaret Atwood discusses her poetry and her first novel, “Surfacing,” focusing on the novel’s symbolism and the themes of nature, religion and memory. She compares life, attitudes, and politics in Canada with those of the United States.
Colonel Hamilton Fish III discusses American history. Major topics include The Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt, World War II, and Communism. Fish also reads a personal letter sent to him from Martin Dies, Jr. Content Warning: This conversation has the presence of outdated, biased, offensive language. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion.
Every play is political and art isn’t easy, according to Edward Albee. People need to realize that going to the theatre is an arena of engagement rather than one of escapism, says Albee. Due to people’s lack of knowledge and self-awareness, we in society, we deserve everything bad that we get, are also part of Albee’s views.
Interview with Dr. Linda Murray and Dr. Quentin Young which discusses how closing public hospitals can affect minorities and less privileged communities. Also talks about the expectations of medical students and the dynamics of medical school.
Who were these ordinary people who killed and what made them do what they did are among the questions answered in Daniel Goldhagen's book, "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust". Jews were in league with the devil and their alleged evil came from their biology. It was believed, for the good of the country, to get rid of the German threat, the Jews had to be exterminated, according to Goldhagen.
Discussing "Jesse Jackson, the Man, the Movement, the Myth" and interviewing the author Barbara Reynolds.