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Interviewing members of a humanitarian aid caravan to Cuba; Gisela Lopez, Lisa Brocke and Dr. Peter Orris.
Interviewing author and child psychiatrist Dr. Robert Coles.
Interviewing author and child psychiatrist Dr. Robert Coles.
Carcinogens, food dyes, food preservatives, pesticides, nitrates and chemicals used to make cosmetics are just a few things that cause cancer, according to Dr. Samuel Epstein. He explains that the public has the right to know what’s being put into our food and into everyday items that we use. One of his missions is to get labelling on packages changed to include more information so the public can be aware and forewarned of harmful ingredients that cause cancer.
Discussing the book "Another War, Another Peace: A Novel" with the author Dr. Ronald J. Glasser.
Dr. Robert Coles' book, "The Call of Service; A Witness to Idealism" came as a result of watching of his mother work tirelessly in soup kitchens, helping the less fortunate. Through his stories and experiences, Coles lets his audience know that one must put himself in others' shoes to truly help others.
After having flown 50 missions in Vietnam, Charles Clements went to medical school and became a physician and a human rights activist. Dr. Clements talks about his observations in the poorest sections of Nicaragua. Because medicine for the poor people was considered contraband, Clements had to resort to putting rusty nails into a cup of water and having his patients drink the water for iron supplements. Clements reminds the audience if we don't know our history, we are bound to repeat it.
Dr. Benjamin Spock and Dr. Michael B. Rothenberg discuss the 40th anniversary edition of the book “Baby and Child Care.” The two discuss the changes they've made to the book, criticism they’ve faced since releasing the book, and how they’ve rethought gender roles in childcare. Studs plays “Hush Little Baby” - The Weavers (1955).