Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Norman Podhoertz discusses his book "Making It" his memoir about American intellectual life and academia. Discussing the parallels in the relationships between politics, money and education.
H. E. F. (Shag) Donahue and Nelson Algren discuss Donahue's book, "Conversations with Nelson Algren," a biographical exploration of Algren's life as a writer. They discuss the creative lives, successes and failures of other authors in relation to Algren's work, including Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, J.D. Salinger, Richard Wright, and others. Includes the author reading excerpts from "Conversations with Nelson Algren."
Geraldine Page is Zelda Fitzgerald in the play, "Clothes for a Summer Hotel". When first reading the play, Page didn't like Zelda because she believed Zelda was a privileged, rich, spoiled brat. Although she said Zelda had her flaws, Page learned that Zelda had the gift of writing.
Ferdinand Lundberg discusses his book "The rich and the super-rich" and the current state of wealth distribution and political, cultural, and social power in the United States. Topics of discussion include inherited wealth, the wealthy “Eastern Establishment” families compared to wealthy families in the American southwest, wealth and crime, and corporations. Studs reads an excerpt from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story “The Rich Boy” at the beginning of the program and an excerpt of an interview Studs conducted with a man who comments on his ability to get rich.
Brick Top discusses her career, her colleagues, and the jazz scene.