Listen to New Voices on Studs Terkel our partnership with 826CHI-here! Read the Story
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Studs Terkel interview with Wanda Wilkomirska about her life as a violinist. They discuss her childhood and her musical family. Wilkomirska talks about the people and music that influenced her, and she describes the differences in audiences between large cities and smaller ones. She expresses her deep love for music and her need to play her music with emotion. Music performances are cut from this particular recording with Wanda Wilkomirska. Studs quotes Ray Erickson, critic from the New York Times and discusses other critiques of her work.
Joachim Kaiser discusses critiquing German music and how the music scene in Germany has changed. Studs Terkel in Germany.
German critic Joachim Kaiser discusses his life and the theater scene in Germany. Studs Terkel in Germany.