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Discussing "The years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol 1: the path to power" with the biographer Robert Caro.
Richard G. Hatcher and Alexander Poinsett discuss Gary, Indiana, their book "Black Power: Gary Style," politics, and race relations. They discuss the corruption in Gary, Indiana and Gary politics. Includes Richard G. Hatcher reading his old speech from his book "Black Power: Gary Style."
Interviewing with the authors Leon Edel and Jean Strouse biographers of Henry and Alice James.
In the book, "Josephine Herbst", Elinor Langer was saddened to learn that Herbst was unhappy with her life. In a way, this puzzled Langer because she found Josephine Herbst's writings about the Great Depression, The Spanish Civil War and the Farmer's Rebellion to be riveting and true to life.
Discussing the book "The word remains: the life and death of Bishop Oscar Romeo" with the author James R. Brockman, S. J.
Discussing the book "Paderewski" with the biographer Adam Zamoyski.
Discussing her father Carl Sandburg with poet Helga Sandburg.
Author, professor, and John Keats biographer, Aileen Ward, discusses and reads from the biography “John Keats: The Making of a Poet.” Ward discusses Keats’ schooling, his relationship with Fanny Brawne, and Keats’ work in comparison to his contemporaries such as Percy Bysshe Shelley. Ward reads Keats’ 1818 poem entitled “Isabella, or the Pot of Basil.” Studs plays a recording of Ralph Richardson reading Keats’ 1819 poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations