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Marya Mannes discusses her book But Will It Sell?, published in 1964. Mannes talks about American life and consumerism.
Donald Sassoon, professor and writer, discusses his book “One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century.” Sassoon explores the history of socialism in Europe since 1889 and socialism's relationship with capitalism. He explains how the 1930 depression and World War II affected the growth of socialism in Europe and America. He also explains the creation and government of the Soviet Union
This interview begins with a clip of one of Dick Gregory’s performances, where he talks about nonviolence and Native Americans. Studs Terkel introduces his guest as an observer, explaining that comedians are the best observers in society. Gregory offers extended analogies to communicate his views on a variety of topics, including the Vietnam War, race relations, segregation, human rights, and urban renewal. [The date is unclear, but it has to be after 1970, since the Kent State Shootings were mentioned]
Biologist and author Barry Commoner discusses his book "The Poverty of Power: Energy and the Economic Crisis."