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Robert Morley, stage and screen actor, starring in Ustinov's "Halfway Up the Tree," discusses education, technology and youth and the changes in the social makeup because of technology.
Interviewing British actor and author Quentin Crisp.
Discussing the book "How To Go To The Movies" (published by St. Martin Press) with the British actor and author Quentin Crisp.
Quentin Crisp, author of many works about gays in Britain and the United States and, notably, about "coming out" as gay in England in the 1930s, discusses homosexuality and his experiences.
British novelist Lawrence Durrell discusses his new book "Nunquam," the second installment in his series "The Revolt of Aphrodite." Durrell also discusses the first book in the series, "Tunc."
When asked how did it come to be that Douglas Day wrote, "Malcolm Lowery: A Biography," Day explained that he had to find out more about the author who wrote "Under the Volcano." Among what Day learned, it took Lowery 10 years to finish his novel.