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In his book, "Make-Believe Presidents: Illusions of Power from McKinley to Carter," Nicholas von Hoffman points out which president(s) had power and which president(s) did not have any power.
Discussing the book, "Eighty Years at Hull House," and interviewing the co-author, Mary Lynn McCree Bryan. Mary Lynn McCree Bryan discusses the Hull House and its founders in Chicago, Illinois. Includes two clips of Florence Scala speaking: one about nature and about a tree that was taken down at Hull House and one about Jane Addams. Includes a clip of Jessie Binford discussing Jane Addams.
Events not recorded in history books is what prompted John D. Weaver to write "The Brownsville Raid: The Story of America's Black Dreyfus Affair". Weaver had heard the story of Black Army soldiers causing a raucous, when they were actually set up. Without even being granted a trial, President Theodore Roosevelt, dismissed those soldiers from the United States Army, Weaver explained.
James David Barber, author and political scientist, discusses his book, "The Pulse of Politics: Electing Presidents in the Media Age." He explains the premise of his beliefs that presidential elections run a cycle of "conflict, conscience, conciliation," and how media affects this. He uses examples of elections from Teddy Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter. Presidential campaign songs are played throughout the interview. A record is played to hear the voices of Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt.