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In his book, "Make-Believe Presidents: Illusions of Power from McKinley to Carter," Nicholas von Hoffman points out which president(s) had power and which president(s) did not have any power.
"Laying Waste: The Poisoning of America by Toxic Chemicals," is Michael H. Brown's study of the Hooker Chemical Company and of toxic waste being dumped into the Love Canal. The toxic chemicals caused some women to suffer miscarriages. Some children were born with deformities, and some people developed cancer.*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations
Discussing "How the Good Guys Finally Won : Notes from an Impeachment Summer" and interviewing Jimmy Breslin.
Salisbury continues talking about the artists like writers, musicians and dancers being national assets to Russia. In a country with its history of tyranny, Russian society is becoming more permissive and relaxed, explained Salisbury. Khrushchev keeps the peace right now, says Salisbury but wonders, like the title of a new book he's working on, is this "A New Russia?".
Being a correspondent for the New York Times in Moscow gave others the chance to see Russia through Harrison Salisbury's reporting. Inside their country, the people, says Salisbury, they have started to loosen up and they have started to talk to one another. The freedoms of the arts have come back, too.
Studs Terkel talks to New York Times journalist Harrison E. Salisbury about his book on the Russian Revolution of 1917 entitled, "Black Night, White Snow", detailing the roles of the SR's, Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks, the Narodniks, Kerensky, Kropotkin, Stalin, Zinoviev and more.
Discussing the book, "Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72." Includes a clip of Ron Kovic speaking at the Nixon campaign headquarters, courtesy of KPFA/Pacifica Archives.