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Yehuda Lev discusses challenges facing Israel, particularly the tensions in Israel between Sephartic, Ashkenazi, and Mizrahi ("oriental") Jews. A clip of the song "Miriam bat Nassim" performed by Shoshana Damari is played at the opening of the interview.*Please note: some sections have been edited out from the original recording due to copyright considerations
The children of Rosenblatt's book, "The Children of War" were either victims themselves or they lost a relative to the war. Elizabeth, a young girl from Ireland, said she hadn't lost her faith in God but she lost her faith in man. Hawda, a Lebanese girl, was in the hospital because shrapnel had slit her stomach open. When asked, Hawda told Rosenblatt that all people are good. What happened she said was God's will and God never wants people to kill.
Mohammed Milham, Mayor of Halhoul, and musician Joseph Abileah discuss their lives and Israel-Palestinian issues. The two men discuss the creation of Israel after World War II and the tensions that caused with Palestine, Jordan, and Syria. They also talk about their views on how to fix the problem such as an autonomy plan or teaching children to not hate.
Writer Dan Wakefield discusses his book “Between the Lines,” his relationship with C. Wright Mills, and his career. Wakefield reads the epigraph from his book.
Interviewing Bruno Bettelheim, writer, scholar, and child psychologist, on his book “The Children of the Dream.” He also discusses his work at the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School for Disturbed Children in Chicago. Content Warning: This conversation includes racially and/or culturally derogatory language and/or negative depictions of Black and Indigenous people of color, women, and LGBTQI+ individuals. Rather than remove this content, we present it in the context of twentieth-century social history to acknowledge and learn from its impact and to inspire awareness and discussion.
Studs Terkel leads a panel discussion on global education and the issues immigrants face in the American educational system. Panel members include Marilyn Turkovich, Dennis Brutus, Joe Elder, Daphne Maijorca, and Liu Zongren.