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Showing 1 - 15 of 17 results
Woody Allen discusses his life and art, the influence of both success and failure on his work, and how he finds comedy in life’s difficulties and trials. He discusses his first screenplay, “What’s Up Pussycat?” and other comedians who have influenced the development of his own comedic work, including Mort Sahl, Charlie Chaplin, the Marx Brothers, and George S. Kaufman.
Film director Martin Scorsese and screenwriter Paul Schrader discuss their movie “Taxi Driver,” including interview from 9:04 - 9:49 of Scorsese discussing the character, Johnny Boy, from his film "Mean Streets."
Discussing the showing of his films with film maker Marcel Ophuls.
Discussing the film "Street music" with the director Jenny Bowen.
Interviewing director Patrick Henry.
Interviewing film director Richard Lester while Studs was in London.
Dr. Rat cast and director
Discussing Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" and the Beckett Project with director Alan Schneider.
Studs Terkel talks with theater producer Herman Shumlin about Shumlin’s work in theater and some of the plays he has produced. This is the final part of the interview with Shumlin.
Studs Terkel talks with theater producer Herman Shumlin about Shumlin’s work in theater and some of the plays he has produced. Audio clips from the play “The Little Foxes” and the opera “Regina” are played. This is the first part of the interview with Shumlin.
Discussing the book "Shannon" with the author Gordon Parks.
Garson Kanin discusses his book "Hollywood: Stars and Starlets, Tycoons, Moviemakers, Frauds, Hopefuls, Great Lovers", published in 1967.
Filmmaker Jacques Tati and Studs discuss finding the humor in everyday life and people becoming their gadgets. The two also go in-depth about Tati's film "Mon Oncle" and the development of the character Monsieur Hulot.
Discussing the validity and truthfulness of the film documentary "Cinema Verite" and can it, ought it compete with current affairs TV? What sort of filmmaking is important, or useful, and for what reasons. What about entertainment films? with film maker Marcel Ophuls.